It is now possible to record all voice traffic on the radio. In some situations where there is inherent danger, or where efficiencies need to be made recording all traffic is the best option. We now have the technology to record and play back radio traffic at the touch of a button. To find out how Brentwood Communications can help, please contact us on 0800 0747 312, or email us at info@brentwoodradios.co.uk
Citypoint, once known as Britannic House & Britannic Tower, stands at 400 feet tall in the heart of London. The 35 storey building required an integrated radio system which provides full coverage. The complexity of the solution required a thorough site survey by our team of engineers. The different users, such as security, cleaners, engineers and emergency teams required the ability to dial up and speak to each other individually as well as the ability to broadcast to all users in the event of an emergency. The sheer number of users meant that voice traffic had to be recorded. In addition to this, the ability to allocate jobs to individual users and groups was required. Read more here.
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