P&O is the UK’s largest passenger ferry company. It operates a total of 13 ships from British ports, carrying millions of passengers a year back and forth to Ireland and mainland Europe.
Each ship in the fleet uses two way radio as a crucial on board communications tool. Handheld radios play an important role keeping crew members in touch throughout the large vessels while at sea. It means officers on the bridge can coordinate operations all over, maintenance teams can stay in touch with colleagues as they work and customer services and catering can run as efficiently as possible.
To date, all ships still run legacy analogue radios. P&O aims eventually to upgrade all on board networks to digital, but with radios required for all members of the large crews on each ferry service, it is a huge undertaking with major cost implications.
P&O therefore contacted Brentwood to ask how to best go about phasing in digital radios gradually, and if they would still be able to use the older analogue models during the migration.