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Norwich BID

Helping to protect local businesses from crime is a key strategic role of the Norwich Business Improvement District (BID). One of its flagship projects is a city-wide radio system to ensure a fast-track response to reports of problems. When the existing system needed a revamp, the BID turned to Brentwood.

The ALERT crime reduction scheme was set up to reduce theft and anti-social disorder by providing local businesses with a direct communications link to both the police and the city’s CCTV control centre. As well as providing a rapid response alert, the idea is also to help shop owners and employees keep in touch to share information and look out for one another.

However, towards the end of 2015, Norwich BID had become dissatisfied with its current system. Reliability and coverage had become an issue. They wanted a radio link which would ensure every business across the city centre remained on the network at all times, giving enforcement agencies the best opportunity to prevent crime.

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