Brentwood Communications provides two way radios for building developments needing to operate one or more tower cranes. They offer companies the option of purchasing, or simply hiring the radio equipment.
Hiring two way radios is a popular choice because it’s so cost-effective. Not only does Brentwood supply these two way radios at affordable prices, but they also repair faulty or damaged radios.
To ensure perfect coverage and reliability, Brentwood’s experienced engineers carry out a free radio trial. From this, they’re able to anticipate and resolve any communication problems between ground workers and crane operators straight away, allowing trouble-free operation during the building process.
Tower cranes often have to negotiate ever-changing structures on building sites. This means the crane operator cannot often see the banksman, who is radioing the vital lifting instructions. Worse than that, these growing obstructions can soak up the radio transmissions and cause a potentially dangerous loss of signal. Any interruption to lifting operations is hazardous. And these radio black spots are a serious problem, because they can become more frequent as the buildings get higher and higher. To counteract this, our engineers have the ability to fit a directional antenna on the crane cab. This allows the crane operator to receive a dependable signal, so he can hear the lifting instructions relayed by the signaller at all times. It also prevents his transmissions affecting the radios of other cranes operating in the area.
Radio interference from other local cranes can lead to a loss of communication, or to a crane driver receiving the wrong directions. The solution is to use a different radio frequency, which avoids the interference propagated by alien cranes. Brentwood obtains the obligatory licence for this channel on your behalf from OFCOM. We will also program your radios to the assigned frequency free of charge. Apart from receiving less interference from adjacent cranes, the other benefits of using a licensed frequency are greater range, and the availability of more radio features.
Another way to ensure that crane operators respond to the correct set of instructions is to start each message with their own callsign (such as TC1). Even though callsigns are a licensing requirement, it’s essential to use them because they truly enhance the safety of the site crews.
It’s also essential that crane operators and ground workers are using reliable radios, to reduce the possibility of communication breakdowns. That means the radios have to be clear, tough and durable; and have enough battery capacity to avoid the need for recharging during long, arduous shifts.
For maximum safety during lifting procedures, it’s advisable for crane drivers to use a hands-free two-way radio system. This comprises a strategically fitted ‘goose microphone’, a mobile radio, and a foot pedal (which activates the Press-To-Transmit mode). For example, Brentwood installed a hands-free radio system at Bouygues UK, when they needed a safe method for their crane drivers to communicate with site workers on various building developments. You can read more about this story here.
Brentwood’s customised radio systems help you to eliminate any misunderstandings between the signaller and crane operator. By installing the right radio system, you can avoid mishaps such as loads being lifted before the slinger has his hands clear; loads colliding with the building structure; and the load being lowered before people are clear of the landing area. In brief, our tailored radio systems help you to meet the stringent health and safety regulations for construction projects, plus drastically improve the operational efficiency of both crane operators and ground workers.
If your tower crane(s) requires two way radios to improve your communication over any large construction site – please give us a call on 01245 403520 to discuss your needs